The year is near the end and I have only two more lectures to give. I am tired but I am in a way better state this year than the previous. I made many changes in my work life to
The year is near the end and I have only two more lectures to give. I am tired but I am in a way better state this year than the previous. I made many changes in my work life to
When I first started as a faculty member, I had ample hours in my office uninterrupted. All of the jobs I wanted to get done were usually finished within a reasonable time and I felt very productive nearly every day.
Have you ever had a day where you just can’t get your brain to function? Whether it has been a long few weeks of late nights of work, or sick kids leading to sleepless nights, these days just happen. I
Specifically, reference letter writing guilt….. I write a lot of letters of reference. I really do enjoy this part of my job, although sometimes I complain about the crunch it puts on my time. But when I get to
Yes, I am pregnant (and thrilled!). I somehow made it through the first few weeks of lecturing while feeling terrible. But now the pregnancy is quite obvious (how did that happen so fast??) and my regular clothes no longer fit.
I love my smart phone, I love twitter and most of the time I like email. But after the end of the semester I was so burned out and so obsessed with my ability to answer every email within hours