After which has easily been the busiest six months of my working life, I finally had time to clean up my desk today. It was a five hour job and it actually resulted in superb happiness. I don’t usually find
After which has easily been the busiest six months of my working life, I finally had time to clean up my desk today. It was a five hour job and it actually resulted in superb happiness. I don’t usually find
A very common question we get as faculty is about how we will spend our summers relaxing. Although we wish our students well and hope they take our advice of spending some time to unwind in the summer, we are
I have been to many convocations and love to see my students all dressed up and ready to impress. Convocation is a huge deal so congratulations! Now, I’m not going to be a fashion snob, but hope to provide some
I was listening to a recent convocation address and the point was made that we should fail BIG. I get that. If you have never failed, you have never really put yourself in a position to fail. What kind of
Saturday was the first day of exams. How did that happen so fast? It has been an absolutely crazy few months and although I’ve looked forward to having some time to breath, I can’t believe it is almost here. As
I was reminiscing about my days as a graduate student and the number of opportunities I had to attend conferences, both locally and internationally. Not only were the locations exciting, but the experiences of spending focused time away from the