I survived September…barely. It wasn’t that it was busier than usual, it was as wild as Septembers generally are when new courses start and the plans I made in the summer are working there way out….or not working out at
I survived September…barely. It wasn’t that it was busier than usual, it was as wild as Septembers generally are when new courses start and the plans I made in the summer are working there way out….or not working out at
I love many parts of the school year and convocation is absolutely one of those moments. I look forward to it every year but this is the first year that I am kind of freaking out. I used to joke
A very common question we get as faculty is about how we will spend our summers relaxing. Although we wish our students well and hope they take our advice of spending some time to unwind in the summer, we are
I have been to many convocations and love to see my students all dressed up and ready to impress. Convocation is a huge deal so congratulations! Now, I’m not going to be a fashion snob, but hope to provide some
When I first started as a faculty member, I had ample hours in my office uninterrupted. All of the jobs I wanted to get done were usually finished within a reasonable time and I felt very productive nearly every day.
With less than three weeks before classes finish, the end is in sight. I love the end of the school year. Not just because I am tired, but because there are a lot of exciting things that happen. These are