Last week, I heard this question maybe 10 times. Do I get to have a fun filled vacation summer until September? Since I am probably off all summer, I have no problem writing whatever letter of reference that is tossed
Last week, I heard this question maybe 10 times. Do I get to have a fun filled vacation summer until September? Since I am probably off all summer, I have no problem writing whatever letter of reference that is tossed
There is a hilarious sketch on Jimmy Kimmel where celebrities read mean tweets that have been posted about/sent to them. It is fun to watch and most of the time, super ridiculous that someone would have the nerve to say
Integrity has been on my mind a lot lately. We are in the midst of reference writing season for medical school and one of the assessment points is to rate each candidate on integrity. It’s a strange ranking scale to
After which has easily been the busiest six months of my working life, I finally had time to clean up my desk today. It was a five hour job and it actually resulted in superb happiness. I don’t usually find
As we come around to the last set of midterms, I spend a lot of talking chatting with students about how they are studying. Although I feel like I’m modelling how to study while I teach and although I have
We are getting to the time of the year when our fourth year students are starting to panic. Life as an undergraduate is going to end soon and the questions of “what are you going to do when you are