Gear for College – Backpacks
I have always LOVED back to school shopping. As a kid, I was giddy with excitement to get to pick out the new things that I needed for school. Whether it was just a pencil case, a back pack, new shoes, or even a calculator. Maybe it was the shopping (I love to shop….) but I think it was mostly the reminder of the return of classes. I would carefully plan my purchase, and look through the various options to make sure I had picked the exact perfect object that needed to be bought. However, since my dad was not really into the whole shopping experience, I had one night at Zellers to get it all picked out. Thankfully I was well researched and it was still a happy experience.
As I walk around the mall now, I see the sign of school returning. As my oldest baby gets ready to begin junior kindergarten, the thrill of the back to school shopping has already passed onto him. I have had so much fun leisurely picking out various school items. I still get the thrill for back to school. I love to try out the various back packs with him and lunch bag options, notebooks etc. He loves it too (yay! we are definitely related).
I often get asked about what to purchase for beginning University or College. I do love tech and there is a lot of great products out there that will certainly be useful to completing studies, however many of my favourite/most necessary things are very very low tech.
A backpack is the first on my list of must haves to begin your post secondary adventure. The days are going to be long on campus and you will need to carry your gear around in something. It may as well look great and be capable of safely transporting your laptop and/or tablet. The brief case/messenger bag is also a good option, however if you have a lot to carry (which you certainly will), it is not as practical as the trusty backpack.