The Trending Prof

Anita Woods Ph.D., University Educator

Dairy Allergy Denial

I have learned quickly in my life that there are things that I am good at (science, math, teaching, learning, fitness, shopping) and things that I am not good at (crafting, decorating, physics, drawing).  Then the are things I can do, but don’t love to do….but I’m not awful at them (cooking, baking, organizing).

As a working mama, I triage my time and those things that can be done by others, I hire and spend as much time as I can with my family.  Well, cooking all of a sudden has become a much larger part of my brain since my son was confirmed to have a severe dairy allergy.  No, not lactose intolerance (rare for children and a completely different physiological response), but all out epi pen carrying, breathing issues, hives allergy.  Not just milk, but cheese, yogurt, butter, cow, goat, horse…etc…etc.

At first I was in denial.  Obviously I learned how to cook and feed my baby boy, but I was always hoping for a recovery at the age of 3 (the previous norm for outgrowing an allergy).  There doesn’t seem to be any sign that this is going to end any time soon, and I am done with making two dinners every night.  It is time to embrace the dairy free life and change my cooking to increase the variety and reduce the time I spend in the kitchen.

Now, I have had a lot of failures in this area.  I have tried a lot of recipes from dairy free cookbooks, and online resources.  I’m a scientist, so I can’t be a total fail at cooking, right? So I will be posting links to recipes that I have actually tried, food that tastes good and that doesn’t have 20 different weird ingredients and require 3 hours of prep time.  I’m totally into sharing what I am learning and if there is anyone out there that can benefit from my trial and error, fantastic!

Here is my first awesome find:

Banana Chocolate Chip Mini Loafs

Prep time: 0

Tasty Factor: 5 out of 5

Ease: Just buy it!

2013-08-08 21.52.22
Costco Find!

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