It’s already that time of year to write exam questions. In the majority of the courses I teach, the format is multiple choice questions. When I first started teaching, the extent of training I had in the arena of writing
It’s already that time of year to write exam questions. In the majority of the courses I teach, the format is multiple choice questions. When I first started teaching, the extent of training I had in the arena of writing
I pride myself in the details. Making sure every slide is perfect, every lecture is content balanced with times built in for student engagement and a level of performance to keep attention. I am nit-picky when it comes to writing
I have had some interesting exchanges with students over the last few days. The word that seems to link these interactions lately has been TRUST. Can I trust my professor? Let me explain. In one of the courses I manage,
I have been pondering my energy focus in my job. As a professor I do have a lot of freedom within my job. I am still tasked with teaching certain courses and a number of lectures, but the rest of
Yes, I am pregnant (and thrilled!). I somehow made it through the first few weeks of lecturing while feeling terrible. But now the pregnancy is quite obvious (how did that happen so fast??) and my regular clothes no longer fit.
Often times I am asked, “can’t your teaching assistant do that?” ….when I am piled with emails, student appointments and marking.. And I find myself saying “no”. Not everything can be or should be done by a teaching assistant. They