The Trending Prof

Anita Woods Ph.D., University Educator
End of Semester Exhaustion

End of Semester Exhaustion

Surprisingly, I am still full of enough energy to push through the craziness that is March.  However, the wariness is laced on the faces of students all around. Maybe it’s the awfully long winter, maybe it’s the fact that many are fourth year students with a major case of “Senior-itis” but I feel the heaviness around me.

I get it.  The semester is drawing to a close and when there are usually some signs of spring in the air by now (giving all of us sun lovers some hope for the upcoming summer), we are waiting on yet another bash of winter weather.  While teaching today, I could feel the sad and heaviness in the room.  It took everything in me not to perform a back flip – although nearly impossible in my late stage of pregnancy…’s hard enough to stand for an entire lecture at this point – just to liven up the room.

I certainly have my days of sad but when those days roll in, I have to remind myself of everything amazing and positive in my life.  So my students, if you are in the clouds of sad and tired, think of those things that stir you up and brighten your days. A warm cup of coffee, an upcoming vacation, friends that love you, parents that love you…..And thankfully winter doesn’t last forever, and neither does the semester. Before you know it, the year is done and for those in fourth year, Undergraduate is done.  We are so close!!

Hang in there.

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